Roll Up Those Sleeves, Put On Some Gardening Gloves And Gather Your Pruning Shears And Watering Cans! With A Little Preparation And Guidance, It’s Time To Make The Most Of The Fall Garden That You’ll Fall In Love With.
Autumn is a great season for annuals, low-maintenance perennials and evergreen shrubs to shine. After a steamy summer, autumn’s cool air temperatures are easier on both plants and gardeners, but the soil is still warm enough to allow roots to grow until the ground freezes. Thus, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your garden ready before the leaves start to turn.

While you’re moving tender plants, why not upcycle some old containers and add them to your garden? Everything from food pots to watering cans will work, old rubber boots included. Give them a fresh coat of paint if needed, drill some drainage holes in them, and fill them with hardy plants that can provide colour throughout winter. Then hang them against a garden wall or fence or anywhere else they fit and enjoy the fresh colours they add to your garden while they can be a perfect feast to your eyes and soul.

Trim bushes and shrubs when they go yellow, or when the stems begin to bend. Another signal that it’s time to cut them is when they go to seed. Well, how much you should cut depends on the variety you grow. A general rule is to cut them back to a quarter of their size. Neatly trimmed bushes and shrubs will give your garden a tidy look that will help chase away the melancholy of withered plants.

Autumn is a bountiful season that yields apples, pears, grapes, plums, pumpkins, winter squash, late-season berries, and more. If you don’t grow these in your garden, you’ll find plenty of them to add now. Whether they’re homegrown or store- bought, use display bowls, hanging baskets, and other containers to display them in your garden. Place pumpkins and winter
squash in a seating area for a welcome splash of colour. Display autumn fruits and veggies where you can see them. Savour
them, share them, and restock them while they are in season. Colder temperatures mean they will keep for longer outside without the need to refrigerate them.