If You’re Looking For A Special Gift For A Special Person, This ‘Ride or Die’ Bracelet by Roxanne Assouline is A Big No. Let’s Check Out Why.
One little thing that has the power to bring you joy at any given point of time on a bad day is a classy piece of jewellery. We’re quite sure that when you hear the word jewellery, what springs to your mind is an astonishing diamond ring or that pair of
earrings you’ve been wanting from your favourite luxury brand.
Not only do these precious stones make your heart smile but also give you that boost of confidence while you step out into the world of trendy statement accessories. Also, if your ensembles aren’t putting a smile on your face, it’s high time for you to revamp your collection of quaint accessories. Based on what people have been adding to their carts these days, at least that is the opinion of top fashion experts. The jewellery trends for 2023 appear to have a pleasant sartorial feel, and nothing ensures a good time like a little sparkle. Speaking of extravagant pieces of jewellery, let’s take a look at Roxanne Assoulin’s Ride or Die set of two embroidered cotton- grosgrain bracelets. The designer brand that made its presence in the jewellery sector in 2016 is run by celebrity favourite Assouline, who is a stockroom of unique designs and indeed her accessories speak for themselves.
Her groovy collection of jewels embraces bold colours in chokers and bracelets and supercool globules woven with cotton-
grosgrain in broad-solid cords.

For the spring sense of March, this time we have the brand’s Ride or Die set of two embroidered cotton-grosgrain bracelets.
The accessory collection by the renowned jewellery designer is a perfect blend of the playfulness of colours and vibrancy, that
will surely add joy to one’s attire, however we’re not quite sure if that will qualify to be a designer jewellery piece. Unquestionably the brand has a unique way of becoming the talk of the town by bringing its flamboyant flavour but jewellery is supposed to be a chic piece of accessory that can ameliorate one’s style or outfit. And we might disagree with Roxanne Assouline regarding this bracelet.
In the world of jewels where there is no scantiness of diamonds and platinum, we don’t see cotton embroidered bracelets
taking over the preference of fashion buffs. The combination of cotton and grosgrain isn’t considered the best when it comes
to being a friendly piece to your skin. The quality of thread, failing expectations, is the consequential compromise you will be making. The fibre will start peeking out of the bracelet as soon as you wear them on a regular basis. Luxury jewellery should
be durable, stylish, and elegant. But, this bracelet by Roxanne Assouline doesn’t support that. All in all, if you’re looking for a special gift for a friend who will always ‘ride- or-die’ with you, there are better options than this one.