Diet First, Exercise Second is The Perfect Climax to All Your Fat to Fit Stories. Stay Tuned and Who Knows? Maybe You’ll Get Fit Too
As the saying goes The greatest health is wealth, there is no substantial asset that is more powerful than health. Fitness can be your most powerful weapon and your weakest link too; you have to take charge of it.
Nowadays the environment has become stress-induced and everyone is running after wealth. In this distant race, the real jewel of the human body is ignored, that is fitness. Nobody has time for exercising 1-2 hours a day, but what if I tell you that you can lose your fat and actually be healthy without exercising extensively? Hard to believe right?
A diet plays an important role in ones daily routine and capacity. It constitutes 70% of your health in comparison to 30% that exercising yields. Today, we are going to tell you about a dieting technique that has variations in it according to your body. Stay tuned because Intermittent is the new fit.
Have you heard the term Intermittent fasting? Well, don’t worry because after reading what we have to say, you can easily become your own fitness coach. Intermittent Fasting has recently taken up the pace like a rocket taking off.
It is also a method of dieting in which interval periods between having a meal matter the most. It is periodic eating that flourishes an interim eating pattern that will yield unimaginable results in your body.
Other pattern focuses more on the type of food that is going into your body but Intermittent Fasting prioritizes the timing of putting anything inside your mouth because scientifically the timing of eating a particular food matters equally to what you are eating. Now that you have a brief idea about Intermittent Fasting, we will tell you about how to do it.

A diet plays an important role in ones daily routine and capacity. It constitutes 70% of your health in comparison to 30% that exercising yields.
5:2 Ratio is the Perfect Spot
Not only does it help you in losing that belly fat, but it also helps in maintaining your body form. More focused on the long-term effects, the 5:2 ratio can be very beneficial for certain types of bodies. It will not put in a calorie deficit and not at all hinder your day-to-day processes.
As complex as it sounds, the real picture portrays a whole different scenario. You just have to continue with what you are eating 5 days a week and do then go for a low-calorie diet for the next two days.
The recommended calorie consumption for men is 600 and for women, it goes a bit down to 500. Some people also know this type of fasting as a Fast Diet. It is not only beneficial for your gut but also detoxifies your body completely. You can choose this type of dieting if you don’t want to lose much on taste and want to be fit in the long run.
Method of 16/8
As the name suggests the two most prominent element of this dieting is 16 & 8. So, how this works you ask? A day has 24 hours and this diet divides our eating hours into 8 and 16. 8 hours would be the amount of time when you would be eating & 16 would be the time that you will be fasting.
Now don’t get excited, in these 8 hours you don’t have to eat continuously but in breaks. You can add three or more meals as per your requirements but the next 16 hours would be a no-food zone. You can actually skip your meal and have a brunch; people love doing that but you have to get used to this because it could be frustrating sometimes.

The meal that you are going to should be massive but you should learn the difference between eating and over-eating.
Day-After-Day Closer to Fitness
This method is not for everyone and especially not for the people who don’t want to push the limits. Nobody gets what they want without leaving their comfort zone. But trust us, if you do there’s no going back because the results are astonishing as a newborns smile.
The trick here is to do fasting on alternative days. For beginners, they can keep the limit to a 700-calorie diet. Mind you, this dieting technique should not be performed in the long run, as going to bed without any food and waking up without any food can have negative effects on your body. You must try it to find whether it suits your body or not.
Warriors Diet Too
What are warriors known for? Their metal strong spirit and their all-natural diet. They thrive on rawness and that is exactly what we are going to do here. This diet includes a small number of raw fruits and vegetable that is powered by a massive meal at night.
The meal that you are going to should be massive but you should learn the difference between eating and over-eating. This trick could actually be beneficial in the long run too. The window between having a huge meal and having raw fruits should be of at least hours. Try this and tell us the result because after all A warrior never worries about his fear!

Nobody gets what they want without leaving their comfort zone. But trust us, if you do theres no going back because the results are astonishing as a newborns smile.