From carrying all your essentials to all your accessories, Bags have become a fashion statement. Handbags, being the portable versions of the bag, made to carry a small chunk of your belongings have been the trendsetter.

How can we not talk about luxury when we are talking about handbags? Luxury is embedded in handbags; many luxury designer brands portray their art and craft through their handbags.

Handbags are mostly spotted in the hands of women, but because of the changing era and progressing mindsets, more and more gender-neutral products are being released, Men are also adopting this useful product. We have two amazing handbags that will make you outshine everyone at the party!


Gucci is one of the first brand that comes into our head when we hear the word Luxury. Founded in 1921 in Italy, Gucci is the most popular luxury brand as of 2021. Gucci gives a fashion statement its true essence.

Recently it has added an all-new 2021 addition to its popular series Dionysus. Dionysus is derived from the name of a Greek Mythological God which literally means the God of Winemaking and Fertility.

Gucci Dionysus Super-Mini Leather bag is a miniature version of a shoulder bag. Made from smooth color-block leather, it gives a very polished and refined finish. Double Headed Tiger can be seen on the clasp embedded upfront. A gunmetal shoulder strap can also be seen on the upper latch of the bag for better portability and grip.

Accommodating few essentials and make-up accessories, the design of this bag is something that speaks luxury in every fingerbreadth.

luxury bag

Gucci Dionysus Super-Mini Leather bag is a miniature version of a shoulder bag.


With its famous Double-B initial, Balenciaga is the Master of us all according to Christian Dior. Founded in 1919 in the streets of Spain, Balenciaga is the oracle of luxury. Loved by many Gen-Z celebrities like Rihanna, Meghan Markle, and many more.

Balenciaga Cagole XS Shoulder bag is a retro yet uniquely designed handbag. Made from Black lamb textured supple leather, Cagole XS is inspired by the 2000s Classic City Line. Supplementing the classic Cagole XS is a zipped pouch and a heart-shaped mirror that will never make you forget that how adorable you are.

Available in two colors; White and Black, Balenciagas Cagole XS is a perfect shoulder bag for all your small parties and gatherings.

luxury bag

Balenciaga Cagole XS Shoulder bag is a retro yet uniquely designed handbag.