And has grown to advocate more and more people about the LGBTQ community. She believes that everyone should have the right to love who they love.
This lady was born to rule the world with her charm, raised with amazing parenthood in Denmark, she is a daughter to a lesbian mother and a gay father. And has grown to advocate more and more people about the LGBTQ community. She believes that everyone should have the right to love who they love. With an electric personality she has unfolded her journey to modelling at a very young age of 15 and is also a Victoria Secret Model since 2013.
Q- As a Victorias Secret Angel, whats your favourite memory of working with the brand? Whats your most beautiful memory working with Victoria as compared to the runway?
Honestly there are so many to choose from but my favourite memory is how we angels bonded. I didn’t grow up with sisters so I truly found sisters and family I never knew I had. First time, I walked onstage as an actual angel moved me so much as well, but nothing beats sisterhood.
Q- You’re a big LGBT+ advocate. Why is it so important to you?
I’m so proud of my parents for being true to who they were and everyone in the community for the pride that they have. My parents are amazing parents and I want to let the world know that being LGBTQ+ doesn’t make you any different or less of a parent. Every family out there made of love should have the right to be who they are and to be a normal. Everyone should have the right to love who they love. If anything, I feel like my life has been even better and more joyous by being a part and growing up in this community.
Q- Going through your Instagram account we noticed that you were in Vietnam, years ago, and discovered Son Doong cave. Would you like to share more about your journey?
I can say, whole-heartedly, that traveling to Vietnam was one of the most magical adventures I have ever been on. Starting from the Mekong Delta, to traveling through and hiking the Son Doong cave, and meeting the most magical people; it was a truly memorable trip. The people of Vietnam were some of the most welcoming and kind people I have ever met. The caves looked somewhat like a place that you would see in movies like ‘Avatar’ and ‘Peter Pans Never Land’. I have been dying to go back ever since and see more of what the place has to offer, because even in the short time we were there it changed my life. And I knew there was no place like it in the world.
Q- You were a soccer player in school. What would you be doing if you didn’t pursue a modelling career?
I loved playing soccer growing up but I never was good enough to make a profession in it. I actually had a dream of becoming a doctor, working for children. I was fascinated with science, medicine, and I wanted to help people so hopefully I would be doing that if I didn’t have a career in fashion and modelling!

If anything, I feel like my life has been even better and more joyous by being a part and growing up in this community.
Q- You only took up modelling full-time after you finished your studies even though you were scouted at 15. Why is that?
For me, finishing the basic part of school was important. At 15, I just knew I wasn’t ready to fully enter a grown up industry and I wanted to complete my education first before I dive into something that was mostly about my looks. Waiting until I was almost 18 is something that I would never regret. That decision made me mature and professional enough to give it my all, while also being able to enjoy being a teenager and living through my youth before diving into an adult industry. The ability to understand and be ready for the loneliness that comes with travelling on your own was big. It all would have been so different had I been 15 and I’m not sure I would have been where I am today, or mentally ready if I had started earlier. Life goes fast… enjoy every day and enjoy your youth!
Q- How about Denmark? What was your childhood like in Copenhagen?
It was fun, safe, and innocent. It’s a beautiful country. Danes look out for each other. They care about quality, the details, and professionalism. They protect one another, yet know how to have fun. They were one of the First Nations to stand for equality for the LGTBQ+ community. I couldn’t be more proud to be a Dane.
Q- You got an Instagram account that only talks about fitness, why? What’s your favourite sport?
My friend, Jasmine Tookes and I wanted to share our love of fitness with girls of all ages! We wanted to share that through fitness; which is actually how we bonded and built the friendship we have today. We had known each other for 10 years now, but it was probably around 5 years ago we started becoming close, when we became workout buddies. Seeing how much it did for both of us, having that commitment and support for each other to be there on days the others weren’t; made all the difference. It was important for us to share that secret and lifestyle with others. As women we have to support other women! We have to motivate each other. We have been choosing to live a life of health and wellness to better our bodies, minds, and souls and it’s truly been incredible to see the community that has been built through JOJA of women supporting each other for greater good!
Q- Good beauty habits start early. We want to know what are yours? What are some of your favourite beauty regimes?
Sweat, sweat, sweat. Sweat is a great way to get rid of toxins. Then after that -HYDRATE! Drink tons of water. Moisturize, always wear sunscreen and take care of yourself. Also, don’t go to bed with make up on. These are probably the most universal and effective tips I would recommend to anyone.
Q- Your plan for 2021?
Firstly, I just want to see everyone healthy. I am hoping the vaccines work. I am hoping people can heal and that essential health workers have it easier, so that we don’t lose any more loved ones. If all of that happens, I hope I get to see my family and friends again, and reconnect with the world we have been isolated from.
Q- 2020 changed the world, in many ways. What do you miss the most since we got lock-down due to Covid-19?
My family. Living overseas and so far from them has been such a hard thing to go through, but I am thankful for FaceTime, phones, Zoom calls, and that we live in a time where it’s still possible to get connected over those platforms. 2020, for sure made me very homesick, but I know people are going through a lot worse so I am just thankful that everyone is healthy and happy. Wishing the world positivity, love, health, and happiness. We could all use it!

I am hoping people can heal and that essential health workers have it easier, so that we don’t lose any more loved ones.