It’s Time To Meet Elena Melnik, Our Charming And Elegant Model For L’Offciel June. She Is Here To Attract Attention Thanks To Her Aura.
Team Credits:
Model: Elena Melnik rep’d by Silent Models Paris @_elena_melnik
Photographer: Dimitri Traganis @dimitritraganis
Creative Direction/Production: Dimitri Traganis @dimitritraganis
Lighting Tech/assistant: Jimmy Concy @mik_photographe
Wardrobe Stylist: Marie Revelut @marie_revelut
Hair: Louma Sliti @louma.sliti
Makeup: Corentin Chotard @corentin_mua Rep’d by B-agency
Paris Location Coordinator: Jimmy Concy @mik_photographe
With her attractive eyes, in which aesthetic perfection is blended with a hysteric gleam, our model Elena Melnik embraces chicness while renunciation confidence. By just appearing irresistibly gorgeous while accomplishing significant creative goals, she uses her pictures to create an intriguing narrative.

Jacket and pants: Tony Ward @tonywardcouture
Shoes: Barbara Bui @barbarabuiofficial
Earrings: Begüm Khan @begumkhan

Leather jacket: Ariunaa Suri @ariunaasuriofficial
Dress: Christopher Lebo @christophelebofrance
Shoes: Rynshu @rynshu

Shirt and leggings: Yohji Yamamoto @yohjiyamamotoofficial
Hat: Eli Peacock @elipeacock
Bag: Renaud Pellegrino @renaud.pellegrino
Shoes: Barbara Bui @barbarabuiofficial