The automobile industry has seen immense ups and downs for decades now; being an ever-evolving industry it has gone through a lot of improvisation and modifications.

Here are the top-four fastest electric cars in the world, totally worth your time and attention! The automobile industry has seen immense ups and downs for decades now; being an ever-evolving industry it has gone through a lot of improvisation and modifications. The current hype in the market is all about electric cars.

Whether it’s luxury brands or affordable automobile industry everyone is coming up with their hybrid versions or a completely electric model. Not just the surge in fuel prices and limited resources has caused this shift, but the advent of technology is one of the vital reasons for the birth of the electric car industry. The advancement of technology has not only lowered the cost of maintenance but has given an alternate to the world which is eco-friendly and not to mention it’s also the need of the hour.

Ranging from high to medium-priced electric vehicles, the global market has it all. Tesla being the leading player in the market has recently launched its Model 3 version in the Indian market and is one of the best-selling vehicles in the U.S. too. Similarly, there are multiple options for electric cars available in the market across the globe today. According to Global EV Outlook 2020, the sales of electric cars have reached 2.1 million globally in 2019 after a surging rise of 7.2 million in 2018.  Stating the obvious, there is a tremendous rise in electric vehicles running on the roads today! So for all the car enthusiasts owning luxury cars; we are sure you will be very delighted to hear that we have picked 4 best and fastest electric cars for you, with detailed insights.

Tesla Roadster 

The Tesla Roadster model came before its Model S and Model X in 2017. But the original model is coming up with additional features in 2021, with two small rear seats, more driving range and a better level of performance. Also, the Tesla owner Elon Musk has previously boasted about the roadster catch up speed to be 1.9 seconds, which means that this beast can reach 0 to 60mph in 1.9 seconds and could reach a top speed of 250mph when it was launched back in 2017. The company claims to provide 620 mile of range with a 200-kWh battery. Its interiors and style remain as appealing, as it was unveiled back in 2017, the sleek design and the removable glass-panel roof features a dramatically designed roof line. Everything else is kept minimalistic; maintaining the signature design of Tesla.


Everything else is kept minimalistic; maintaining the signature design of Tesla.

Lotus Evija

Lotus Evija becomes the first British electric hypercar (a car defined as the most superior and high-performance car), with the most powerful production and engine. No doubt that other hyper cars like Ferrari and McLaren are strong competitors, but Lotus seems like a strong contender, for both its capability and charm. It features a full carbon fiber body with gorgeous interiors and with upto 2,000 hp (Horsepower). The cars claim to have taken inspiration from aerospace models and have designed it with that theme. The company claims that it can touch 0 to 60mph in less than 3 seconds; well we all hope it’s true! Whatever the reality is, one can never get enough of its appearance; it gives a vibe of a racing car which of course it is, with huge performance potential. It claims the target power output of 1973 bhp with 1,254lb ft torque, making it super-quick in its performance.


It claims the target power output of 1973 bhp with 1,254lb ft torque, making it super-quick in its performance.

Pininfarina Battista

With a gorgeous name, the appearance allures you towards the car like a magnet. This, therefore, is one the high-performance hypercar, fully electric, running with the power of 1,900bhp. Battista also has a lot of similarities with another hypercar Ricmac C and both suit with the same powertrain. Well, the combination of four motors makes Battista stronger with a top speed of 217mph. The company, therefore, claims that it can go from 0 to 60mph in 2 seconds. Talking about the driving experience, the reviews on the Internet depict that the car has tough agility and mind-blowing stopping ability.


Talking about the driving experience, the reviews on the Internet depict that the car has tough agility and mind-blowing stopping ability.

Aspark Owl

Aspark has claimed the title and has called itself the world’s fastest accelerating car, which can go from 0 to 60 mph in just 1.72 seconds! It’s also the first hypercar from a Japanese maker with a horsepower of 1,984 and torque of 1,475lb-ft, making it a high-performance car. Aspark has announced that the production will be powered by four electric motor setups and will be more powerful than before when it was unveiled in 2017. Its exterior features are breathtaking; gorgeous metallic skin with copper-gold wheel shade will sweep you off the floor.


Its exterior features are breathtaking; gorgeous metallic skin with copper-gold wheel shade will sweep you off the floor.