Tough times barely last. However, tough people do, and we have found one such brave & powerful woman who’s ready to take over the world with her optimistic mindset!

Meet Sarah Antonella, a businesswoman & currently the best-selling author who makes sure to deliver words of wisdom and inspire others to be their own boss. Despite having been bullied in the past, she made sure to fight tough times with her head held high. This versatile woman believes writing down thoughts is important for personal growth. What we learned from this interview is having a positive mindset will bring positive things. Keep reading to know about this charmer & get inspired by her journey!

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With you in our Anniversary Edition, it surely has become more powerful. We appreciate businesswomen a little bit more, tell us about how you started your journey?

I honestly was at a low point in my life, when a friend reached out, showed me the ropes, and from there I started my own company.

You are considered a gifted author in the industry, who has been your inspiration when it comes to writing?

I believe writing down your thoughts is massive when it comes to personal growth. I also strongly believe that you can inspire others through the story/journey you’ve lived. So, I hope to change people’s lives when they read my book.

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Your book “Level Up” is currently “best-selling” and everyone from the business world must have found it informative. Tell our readers something about this book?

The book is a snippet about my life and how I overcame a lot of trials that made me into the beautiful person I am today.

We know you were also a skater, tell us one thing you loved as a child about ice skating?

For me figure skating was my outlet. It was the one thing I felt like I could be myself even when I had a bad day. It really taught me hard work, motivation, and passion 

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You were also bullied during your schooling, how did you overcome that tough period? Words of wisdom you were looking for back then, that would be helpful for children today going through the same phase?

During the times where I was bullied, I leaned hard on God. He’s a big part of me being able to overcome the heartaches in my life. My words of advice would be, no matter how hard it is God has a plan for you. You are a beautiful person. Never forget that.

Let’s talk about fashion, what is your go-to attire when running late for a meeting?

I love Christian Dior, Balenciaga, Givenchy, and Versace. Lately those have been my go-to attires. It’s classy, but sassy at the same time.

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A piece of advice for people like you who want to start their business?

When starting a company, you’ll have many highs and many lows. Don’t give up if it’s something you’re truly passionate about.

A positive quote you swear by that you’d like to share with our beloved readers?

Philippines 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Lastly, tell us about your upcoming plans and projects?

Work wise, I’m currently focused on some new products that hopefully you’ll see in the market soon. Been working really hard on it. Personally, my love life has been amazing. I am super grateful to have. Taking every day one day at a time.