Mixing Cultures Like A DJ, Creating A Musical Stew of Global Beats! From Arabic Rhythms to Indian Vibes, Our Digital Cover Star, Mariam Hussein’s Lyrics Tell the Story of Our Diverse World. Dive In to Groove to The Universal Language of Music!

Team Credits:
Cover Star: Mariam Hussein @mariamhusseinofficial
Stylist: @theeyab
Photographer: @lazanks
Makeup: @paintedbyhawraa
Hair: @hairbymarcos_
Jewellery: @yeprem
Special thanks to:
@arthausbeirut (Location)

 Meet our Digital Cover Star for the August edition, Mariam Hussein: a dazzling artist, performer, and star who juggles her many roles with grace and flair!

Mariam’s life is a whirlwind of creativity and determination, fuelled by her love for her family. As a mother and founder, she finds beauty in the challenge of balancing it all. Her superpower? Independence! And after mastering time management over four years, she’s ready to conquer 2025 with renewed energy and ambition.

Her ultimate goal? To create music that transcends genres, cultures, and generations, uniting audiences through the universal language of music. One special song, “Ya Hobb,” blending Indian melodies and Arabic lyrics, which holds a cherished place in her upcoming 2025 album to bring her vision to life.

Get ready to be captivated by Mariam Hussein, a true powerhouse of creativity and inspiration, as she pushes boundaries and soars to new heights!

The New Chapter of Mariam Hussein – Exclusive Interview!

Hi Mariam, welcome to L’Officiel India! You always look gorgeous. What’s your secret to staying so fit and fine as wine?Staying fit and feeling fine is all about balance for me. I make sure to eat healthily, stay active, get enough rest, and most importantly, practice self-love and self-care. It’s all about taking care of both my body and mind.

What was your first significant role, and how did it impact your career?

At the inception of my career, my debut principal role in “Alkhadima” during my high school days marked a poignant beginning. Portraying an independent woman in that series resonated deeply with viewers across the Arab world, catapulting me into the spotlight. Subsequently, my journey unfolded through various TV serials, each role adding a layer to my growth as an artist. A well-deserved break allowed me time for reflection, and now, with a heart full of melodies, I embark on a new chapter as a singer. I am thrilled to share my voice and passion with the world, embracing this musical odyssey with open arms.

When did you first realise you wanted to be an actress? Were there any defining moments or experiences?

From as early as three years old, my passion for the arts blossomed through dance. The rhythm of movement ignited a spark within me, and I found pure joy in expressing myself through music and motion. Growing up, my love for performing in front of audiences became a constant in my life, whether it was captivating my parents’ friends with impromptu acts or losing myself in the magic of theatre while standing in front of the mirror. These early experiences laid the foundation for my journey as an actress and artist, shaping my path with a deep-rooted passion for storytelling and performance that continues to drive me today. To my fans, I share this part of my story with gratitude and excitement, knowing that it is their support and enthusiasm that fuels my creative spirit and inspires me to shine on stage and screen.


The New Chapter of Mariam Hussein – Exclusive Interview!

Saramrad @saramrad

“Men Shefteh” was your debut single in 2011. Can you share the inspiration behind that song and what it meant to you at the time?

In a twist of fate, ‘Men Shefteh’ emerged as my unexpected debut single in 2011. At that juncture, my focus primarily revolved around acting until a serendipitous encounter with my friend, Youssef Alomani, altered the course of my musical journey. During an event, Youssef, struck by my voice, presented me with a song as a heartfelt birthday gift, just weeks before my special day. Stepping into the studio to record the song marked a significant milestone, as it was my inaugural experience with studio singing.

Two weeks later, as my birthday approached, Youssef surprised me with a CD containing ‘Men Shefteh.’ Eagerly, I shared the CD with a DJ, requesting him to play my song. Little did I anticipate the whirlwind that followed. The DJ uploaded the song on YouTube, and within a mere 48 hours, ‘Men Shefteh’ resonated with listeners far and wide, amassing over 5 million views. It was a surreal revelation, a true testament to the unexpected magic woven into the song’s essence.

Despite my initial reservations about pursuing a career in music, the overwhelming reception of ‘Men Shefteh’ sparked a newfound determination within me. Witnessing the song soar to unprecedented heights propelled me to honor my promise to my fans – to return stronger and more resolute. Each note I sing, every melody I weave henceforth, echoes the authenticity of my journey, encapsulating the essence of my truth and experiences.

‘Men Shefteh’ not only marked the beginning of my musical voyage but also underscored the power of embracing unforeseen opportunities and resilience in the face of uncertainty. It serves as a poignant reminder that amidst the unpredictability of life, miracles can manifest, paving the way for newfound dreams to take flight.


The New Chapter of Mariam Hussein – Exclusive Interview!

Jean Louis Sabaji @jeanlouissabaji

As an actress and singer, how do you balance your artistic pursuits? Do you find similarities or differences in expressing yourself through acting versus music?

In juggling acting and singing, I embody characters on stage and share my personal stories through music. While acting immerses me in diverse roles, music allows me to express my emotions authentically. Balancing both art forms enriches my creative journey, fostering empathy and connection with audiences.

Your music video “Ya Hobb” is going to release soon. Can you tell us about the creative process behind the video and any memorable moments during filming?

A special song called “Ya Hobb,” blending Indian melodies and Arabic lyrics, became dear to me. Created by my friends Tawfeque Almaghrebi and Younes Tanjawi, it holds a special place in my upcoming 2025 album.

For the music video of “Ya Hobb,” I chose a director I had met during a photo shoot. Impressed by her creativity, I shared the song with her, hoping she could bring it to life visually. Working together was a joy, and her talent made the video a masterpiece.

Filming “Ya Hobb” was a magical experience. The director’s dedication and skill transformed the song’s emotions into a beautiful visual story. The teamwork behind the video was fantastic, and I am thankful for everyone who made this project come alive. I can’t wait to share this heartfelt music video with everyone soon.

You live in the UAE. How has your multicultural background influenced your music and lyrics?

Growing up in the UAE, where it’s all about mixing and matching cultures like a DJ at a party, has totally influenced my music vibe and lyrics. It’s like a mashup of flavors, with each cultural piece adding a different spice to my musical stew.

From bumping to Arabic beats to vibing with Indian tunes, my music game is all about blending these cultural influences. When I drop lyrics, it’s like telling a story of juggling different backgrounds and keeping it real with all the flavors life throws at me.

Taking inspiration from the crazy mix of cultures around me, I cook up tunes and words that speak a language everyone can groove to. My jam is all about celebrating the diversity and unity that make our world lit, embracing the different shades that make us who we are.

Peace out, keep it real!


The New Chapter of Mariam Hussein – Exclusive Interview!

Krikor Jabotian @krikorjaboutian

Are there any other musical genres or collaborations you’d like to explore in the future?

Certainly! Electronic music captivates me with its futuristic sounds and creative possibilities. Collaborating with electronic producers to fuse our styles is an intriguing prospect.

Folk music resonates deeply with me for its raw emotion and narrative essence. Partnering with folk musicians globally to blend traditional and contemporary sounds is a dream worth pursuing.

Exploring the realm of jazz offers a new dimension to my music. The improvisational nature and soulful expression of jazz inspire me to collaborate with jazz musicians and infuse my melodies with spontaneity and groove.

My ultimate goal is to create music that transcends genres, cultures, and generations, resonating with audiences worldwide. Through diverse collaborations and musical explorations, I aim to push creative boundaries and share stories that unify us through the universal language of music.

You are also a founder! How do you manage this balance, and how does your everyday life inspire your work?

Balancing the roles of being an artist, performer, star, mother, and founder is a beautiful challenge that fuels my creativity and determination. My everyday life, filled with love for my family, especially my mom, inspires me to push boundaries and achieve greatness. As a woman, independence is my superpower, and mastering time management has been a journey of growth and learning that took me four years. The break I took during the pandemic was a time of reflection and renewal, setting the stage for a promising year ahead in 2025, where I am determined to soar to new heights and make my mark in the world.

Lastly, a piece of advice you’d like to give to our readers?

Dear women of the world, trust in yourself, your children, and your faith. Your independence and self-worth are invaluable; with financial stability, you remain free. Embrace your strength, never let anyone dim your shine or control your path. Be smart, live authentically, and let no one dictate your journey.