Spring Time Brings Renewed Motivation To Get Back In Shape, And The Warmer Weather Can Help To Get You Out Of The Exercise Rut You Maybe In.
With the warmer weather, and longer and lighter days, you might find yourself filled with more energy and a renewed need to get your body moving. This is a shift in mood that should be embraced so you can spring into shape and feel fit and healthy in time for the hot summer days ahead. Temperatures are finally getting a slight warmer, the last of the winter snow has melted, and the cold and dark days are now behind us.
With the warmer weather you might notice a change in how you feel and think. Often after the winter months, the new season and higher temperatures can bring a brighter mood. It has been scientifically recognized that levels of leisure time, physical activity and physical fitness differ according to the seasons, with more activity generally happening in the summer months. The seasonal variations undoubtedly mean there are changes in the types and amounts of physical activity we do. Here, we have curated some of the excercises which way help you to get “spring in shape.” Have a look.

If you’re looking for a new squat variation in the spring season, consider including the Zercher squat in your strength training
program. It is a weightlifting exercise that targets muscles throughout your legs, upper back, and core. Perform Zercher squats by standing with your feet shoulder- width apart. Set up a barbell and rest it in the crooks of your elbows. While keeping an upright torso position, bend your knees until the backs of your legs are parallel to the floor at the bottom of the squat. Thus,
by activating muscles throughout your upper back and shoulders, the Zercher squat promotes muscle hypertrophy and postural strength more than a standard bodyweight squat.

The Romanian Deadlift is a traditional barbell lift used to develop the strength of the posterior chain muscles, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and adductors. If done correctly, the Romanian Deadlift is an effective exercise that helps strengthen both the core and the lower body with one move. One significant benefit of this exercise is that it teaches how to lift from the hips instead of using the lower back. The base move of the RDL is the standing hip hinge, which is an important component of learning how to squat correctly. First move during the lowering phase of the squat should be the
hips moving back in a flexed position. Back pain is often associated with not using the hips properly when squatting or bending over to pick an object up off of the ground.

Are stronger legs at the top of your wish list this season? The results from incorporating Bulgarian split squats into your routine could be a dream come true! Add a Bulgarian split squat to your routine on a lower body day to bolster leg strength,
or add it to a full body workout to mix things up. Paired with 3 to 5 additional strength exercises, you’ll be on your way to a stronger core and legs in no time. Also, as a single-leg exercise, your core is forced to work in overdrive to maintain your balance. If you have back problems or even if you don’t this move could be a great option for you.

Cable face pulls involve pulling a cable, usually with a rope attachment to allow one a better range of motion, towards your
forehead. By doing so, you can activate the rear deltoids, trapezius and upper back muscles, helping to strengthen and build muscle in these muscle groups. The movement also requires good stability and uses core stabilizing muscles to keep yourself balanced during the movement. Strength here allows a greater ease for many daily activities particularly those involving lifting, pulling or reaching. It allows you to slowly but surely strengthen the powerhouse muscle groups in your shoulders, upper body and core.

Bigger biceps are a desire of everyone who participates in resistance training. With not just adding size to the arms but also making it visible to the lifter focusing on the bulge of the biceps. However, to work on overall girth of your arms, the hammer curl is a perfect exercise to add to your spring routine. The hammer curl may help add mass to your arms because the grip positioning often allows you to lift heavier weight. As a result, it’s a good exercise to build strength in all three muscles that bend your elbow. Sometimes adjusting your forearm position can help alleviate this while still working on your biceps. Nevertheless, it’s best to perform hammer curls with a light weight first. If you experience any pain, then it may be better to hold off and consult a medical professional.