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For a Garden That Will Regenerate and Thrive

Flourishing houseplants, bountiful herbs, and planet-friendly gardening – this month, we’re focusing on regenerating and thriving. Here’s how to ensure your garden will also regenerate and thrive.

Whether you’re a novice or a well-positioned expert, gardening requires your full focus. It also requires that you have fun doing it. The trend prediction based upon horticultural trends and gardener enquiries places the focus on planet-friendly gardening. This year, the expectation is that gardeners will garden with the nature instead of against it. If you’re someone who loves caring for and tending their garden, we have a list of the hottest new gardening trends for 2023 that you should keep an eye out for. This list is not exhaustive, but it will give you a good idea of what to expect from the gardening world this year. 2023 seems to be the year that everybody tries to be more sustainable and regenerative. This sentiment also applies to gardening. So, if you want to see your garden regenerate and thrive, these are the things you need to focus on. Read on.

Regenerative Gardening

 Just try to be more mindful and gentler on your garden this year.

Regenerative gardening is basically an agricultural practice that leans towards holistic land-management practice. It is important to create the right habitat for wildlife to find shelter and food. And 2023 is the year even gardeners start taking this seriously. More and more gardeners are seeking out environment-friendly wood-based compost alternatives. The banning of peat-based bagged compost is underway. This will inevitably lead to many of us opting for seaweed and biochar feeds instead. Regenerative gardening aims to reverse the negative effects caused by the traditional gardening practices of tilling, carbon mining, and excessive use of fertilizers and chemicals. Remember to use compost, clear weeds only if they’re harming your plants, and don’t leave too much space between the plants. Just try to be more mindful and gentler on your garden this year, and you’re good to go.

Climate-Resilient Gardens

Minimize tilling, don’t leave bare soil, and take care of what you’re planting.

Climate affects your garden a lot more than you think. And making your garden climate-resilient means improving its ability to adapt and recover from difficult conditions. Climate change is real and its effect on your garden can cause long-term damage. As gardeners, it is our responsibility to leave a positive influence on the green spaces that we tend to. The onus to choose practices that lessen emissions contributing to climate change lies on us. Choosing the right gardening practices and plants can help you build a garden that will stand the test of time. Come rain, shine, storm, or tornado, your garden will remain standing. Minimize tilling, don’t leave bare soil, and take care of what you’re planting.

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