Earing dropping like a pearl upon the ocean, hair swinging like it’s about to break the notion, our Cover star for L’Officiel November issue, Maryam Zolghadr is about to set your eyes on fire.
Team credits:
Model: Maryam Zolghadr – Select Model Management @maryam_zol @selectmodelglobal
Photographer: Michelle Monique @michellemoniquephoto
Wardrobe Stylist: Julia Perry @juliaperrystyle @labartists
Retoucher: Amira Alexandra Alkaysi @amira.retouching
Hair Stylist: Jenn Lagron @jennlagron
Makeup Artist: Barbara Lamelza @barbaralamelzamakeup @labartists
Producer: Jesse Abudayyeh @jesse.abudayyeh
Photo Assist: Eric Larson
Over-sized jackets to those flawlessly blended braids, our Cover star for the L’Officiel November issue Maryam Zolghadr rocks everything with pride and beauty follows her path. “I think in this new era of modelling it’s very important to be multifaceted. You have all the tools in this digital world to monetize your platform and optimize your reach.” Says a model and Entrepreneur herself.

As I got older I started to notice there weren’t many models that looked like me. I wanted to represent Iranian women through my creativity, fashion, and media.

I always look to move forward and never dwell on the bookings that did not happen but celebrate the ones that did.

I take my skincare routine very seriously. It’s not a one-time thing.