Trends Kept Aside This Month; If The Heat Is Killing Us; Imagine What Your Garden Is Going Through. Learn Here How to Keep Your Garden Healthy, Hydrated, And Strong!
With the weather driving us crazy, just like how you’re taking care of yourself during the summers it’s important to look after your gardens as this season can be harsh to your plants too. Providing adequate moisture and shade when the sun is beaming is basic and should be followed, just like watering plants early in the morning before the sun starts beating down. Apart from these basics, we have brought to you some other efficient tips to keep plants protected during the summer months.

Add mulch to your garden to keep the soil protected from direct sun exposure.
To give a brief about mulching, it is referred to as spreading various covering materials on the surface of the soil to protect roots, improve fertility, and more. Mulch is usually, but not exclusively, organic in nature, however, it is suggested to add mulch to your garden that will keep the soil protected from direct sun exposure. Using a light-colored mulch such as dried grass clippings is regarded as the best as it reflects the sunlight.

Re-potting can also cause many plants to fail during the heat, don’t risk it!
Some may ask if re-potting is still that crucial? And the answer remains the same, yes, transferring plants from pots and planting them in the different pots as they grow is important. Do you know why you should not re-pot when it’s 100 degrees outside? Well simply because leaves get damaged. Also, your plants can get a little stressed too while re-potting since it often involves trimming away a lot of the root mass. Re-potting can also cause many plants to fail during the heat, don’t risk it!

Just remove any spring crops and plant some new vegetables in that space.
Harvesting in the late summer is always a good idea since there will be fresh produce well into fall and sometimes even into winter. For this, just remove any spring crops and plant some new vegetables in that space. Sticking to frost-hardy fall crops such as broccoli, kale, bok choy, carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, spinach, and peas is suggested.

Some things to make sure every day early in the morning, pull any weeds that have invaded your garden.
The point is to not let weed take over, as plants find it difficult to flourish if they are crowded with materials, especially weed, which is a tough player. Some things to make sure every day early in the morning, pull any weeds that have invaded your garden. If attention is not paid, weeds that infest your garden can soak up all the water and eventually plants will have to suffer!