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Exclusive Interview With Samantha Siu – Trendsetter Owning Richness!

Exclusive Interview With Samantha Siu – Trendsetter Owning Richness!

Applying honed sense of style and affinity for all things chic to the realm of jewellery design, Samantha Siu knows a way to make the wearer feel empowered and flaunt the sentimental value of a personal touch.

Team Credits:
Talent: Laura Petersen @laurapetersen_lp
Photographer: Apeksha Agarwal @apekshagarwal
Wardrobe Stylist: Brittni Morrison @_brittnimorrison
HMUA: Katya Rich
Creative Consulting: Rutvik Katuri @rutvikkaturi for DAH @decadentarthaus
Retoucher: Anastasiia Makarova @sfumato.retouch
Showrooms: The Confessional Showroom, Showroom Seven

To encapsulate the narrative that makes the wearer the walking definition of ‘In a room full of art, everyone would still stare at you,’ we got the chance to have a conversation with Samantha Siu. In the timeless field of jewellery design, she is an individual who is equally adept at designing unique pieces and bringing them to life.

Her passion for developing new techniques and introducing meticulous levels of detail to the art of jewellery design led to the foundation of her namesake brand. Isn’t it fascinating to see imaginations transform, into an artistic reality with a luxuriant twist? That’s what the model Laura Petersen is bound to feel through the statement pieces of Samantha Siu.

Read ahead to learn all about her.

Exclusive Interview With Samantha Siu – Trendsetter Owning Richness!


Welcome to L’Officiel, Samantha! Starting from where everything began, what drew you to become a jewellery designer and then inspired you to start with your own brand?

My family guided me towards the jewellery industry during my teenage years, persuading me to pack jewellery pieces for a mere one cent a pop. They used to own factories in China and produced jewellery in large quantities for American department stores. However, it was not until after completing college that I fully immersed myself in this field’s design and production aspects.

After college, I began my professional journey as a junior merchandiser, working alongside one of the industry’s most renowned merchandisers. This opportunity helped me understand, in a concrete manner, the immense importance of price, design, and marketing when we are selling the jewellery we create. Yet, what I witnessed within the industry disheartened me – a space where consumers were being consistently shortchanged by what stores were offering, presenting the same tired
designs season after season.

At that moment, I resolved to utilize all the valuable experience I had been fortunate enough to accumulate and bringing it to the masses.


At the beginning of your journey, did you think you would reach where you are now?

To be honest, at the beginning of my journey, I had expected to reach my current position faster. However, as the saying goes, ‘patience is a virtue.’

What’s been the biggest turning point in your career so far?

There have been many noteworthy milestones since our launch! It is difficult for me to compare them, as each one has played a vital role in bringing me to where I am today. Some extraordinary moments include selling my first piece, being featured in a magazine for the first time, and showcasing my work on a cover. These are just a few examples of the monumental experiences I’ve had.

Surprisingly, the pandemic also served as a significant turning point for our brand. During this challenging time, consumers questioned their trust in prominent brands. They educated themselves about brand stories, what makes up a well-made product, and whether they resonated with the brand’s mission. As a jewellery brand, we aspire to be more than just creators of exquisite products. Our goal is to inspire positive changes in consumer behaviour, and I am grateful to see that many of our followers share this vision.


Do you have any specific most treasured piece in your jewellery collection which is really close to your heart?

The most treasured piece of jewellery in my possession is, without a doubt, a bracelet crafted by one of my students. Initially adorned with Chinese characters symbolizing the eternal connection between two hearts, it has unfortunately deteriorated over time. What remains now is nothing more than a simple green string firmly encircling my wrist for a remarkable span of 17 years.

However, it is not the physical state of the bracelet that renders it so significant, but the inherent memory and extraordinary story behind its origin. This precious trinket represents a profound bond, a promise to never part with it until our paths cross again. Thus, it exemplifies the enduring power of jewellery—its remarkable capacity to evoke memories and emotions that transcend the passage of time.


If you could ever go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be?

If there would be one thing, I could tell my 28-year-old self before starting my career, it would be – “Stop rushing and start preparing for the long game.” As being entrepreneurs, we often desire instant success for financial and personal reasons.

What I have learned is that the industry takes its time to assess brands and their potential for long-term success before giving them a chance. The popular brands we see today have been established and built up over a significant period before achieving their breakthrough moment. In such instances, patience and consistent progress are the keys to success rather than hurrying to reach the next stage.

So, what’s next? What’s your vision for the future of your brand?

For Q4, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our highly anticipated Holiday Campaign, which will centre around the themes of family and legacy. Notably, my mother and grandmother will also be prominently featured, adding a personal touch to our campaign. Moreover, we are excited to introduce our newest addition, the expandable bracelet collection, which promises to be a game-changer. We are eager to demonstrate how this new line will revolutionize the industry once again.

Additionally, I am involved in a hush project with a friend, where we are working on incorporating AI technology into our jewellery creations. Though, I would like to mention that it’s harder than it seems!

As a company, one of our primary objectives is to secure the financial resources to actively invest in sustainable initiatives. We are dedicated to learning, educating, and preserving our environment in collaboration with emerging communities.

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