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Charlotte Tilbury’s Sloppy Mess

Nobody likes makeup products that don’t work. Especially ones that are just a big sloppy mess! If you belong to that list, here is the product you need to avoid!

A good foundation is the basic building block of any makeup look. But more often than not, it is the one product that malfunctions and ends up ruining the whole look. Why? Something to do with the poor formulation of the product, no doubt. Luckily for all us makeup fanatics, there are some excellent foundations available out there. But, unfortunately for all of us, some truly disappointing foundations also exist. Therefore, we consider it our sacred duty to warn you all of exactly what you’re getting into. That’s why we went ahead and conducted an in-depth analysis of the Beautiful Skin Foundation from Charlotte Tilbury. Read ahead to find out if this one passed the test, or if it is the one that deserves to be kicked to the curb!

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Beautiful Skin Foundation from Charlotte Tilbury

This offering from Charlotte Tilbury has everything it needs to become a bestseller. Truly, it does. And on paper, it appears to be the one product that had been missing from your makeup pouch. But, one use and you’ll be left with nothing but acute disappointment. We’ll get to that soon, but first, let’s talk a bit about the product specifications. It is a hydrating, medium-coverage foundation with Hyaluronic Acid and Rose complex that are supposed to hydrate and brighten your skin. The shade range contains 30 shades and is vegan as well as free of parabens and other harmful ingredients. All that is interesting to know, but now let’s come to the actual performance of the product.

This foundation is a slip-and-slide mess! Regrettably, we don’t have a nicer way to put it but that’s the actual truth about this product. While the packaging is cute; nice and sleek, the product is anything but! The colour of the foundation is off by a lot and the application is also terrible. It does not apply smoothly like the brand claims and neither does it add any glow to the skin. The product gives off an instant thick, cakey and heavy feel and the heaviness makes the product look unnatural. Another irritating point is that the product is highly transferable. Touch your face for even half a second, the product will remove itself from your face and attach to your finger. No matter how much skin prepping you do, this foundation will not stay on your face! The product gets patchy and pulls itself away from your face. And the worst part: your natural oils will show through.

If you have combination skin, you should maintain a 10-mile distance from this product!

And if you have combination skin, you should maintain a 10-mile distance from this product! Try any moisturizer, the result remains the same – a patchy and extremely oily look! The foundation is very emollient and no matter what one does, it is extremely impossible to get it to stick to the face. It makes pores and lines extremely visible. And if you’re thinking you could set it with a powder, no can-do miss! That won’t work either. But if your skin is dry, you could give this a try. Other than that, we can’t really promise much – it is totally your call!

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