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The Manifestation Queen Natasha Graziano Pours Her Heart Out


Meet The Manifestation Queen And Our Cover Star For L’Officiel October Issue – Natasha Graziano. Defining What Multi-Talented Is, She Is The True Woman Of This Era!

Team Credits:

PR Agency: Intrigue Management @IntriguePublications

Talent: Natasha Graziano @natashagraziano

Photography: Keida Mascaro @keidamascaro

Assistant Director: Oliver Peake @oliver_peake

Executive Assistant: Ashlie Garcia

Production & Styling: Christine Peake @christinepeakepeakpr

Makeup: Heidi Gondola

Jewellery: Margaret Rowe @margaretrowe

Shoot Location: Thompson Hollywood Hotel @thompsonhotelhollywood

Mindset is what sets us free from within. Even if our actions are correct, it does not necessarily mean that our mindset is in the right direction. How do we know all of this? All thanks to our Cover Star for L’Officiel October Issue – Natasha Graziano. There are no one or two things that she cannot do well, but whatever she chooses to do she is masterful at. As a mindset coach and author, Natasha is skilled at guiding your mind and goals in the same direction so that you achieve what you want. She is also an author and an exclusive writer for her best-selling book “Be It Until You Become It”. If you are thinking this is all, then no, she is also a mother. Know all about this powerhouse and get an insight into Natasha’s life right here!


As a mindset coach and author, Natasha is skilled at guiding your mind and goals in the same direction so that you achieve what you want.

Welcome to L’Officiel Natasha. You are a huge influencer on Instagram and Tik Tok and we adore you. Tell us about your social media journey, how did you begin?

My journey began when I reached the lowest point in my life. One day, I had a breakthrough and realised that I should start tagging brands that I was wearing in my photos to make some money to help my son. I would go into charity shops as I didn’t have money at the time. I would dress up in their clothes, take photos out in the streets of London and tag the designers in my posts. I was picked up by a brand that sponsored me and my career quickly took off from there. But the magic wasn’t in the photos, the magic was in my captions. In every post, I wanted to help someone in some way to better their own life through my words. Those words eventually turned into my first book.

As we’ve heard, you have been through a lot in your past; what made you get up every day and live life and how did the lost confidence come back?

My son was my WHY. Every day I would look at him and just want to be a role model for him and for more people who were suffering like me in the world. I had always been heavily into self-development and had read and studied some of the greats like Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Joseph Murphy, so I started to apply the knowledge that I’d learnt combined with neuroscience that I was fascinated by and realized that we control our outer reality through our inner reality. Simply put – what we think about the most is what we see in our life. I decided I didn’t want to be ill and depressed anymore. But if I hadn’t hit rock bottom, I would never have changed direction in my life and become the mindset coach that I am today. Sometimes pain hits you physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually to say “you’re heading in the wrong direction!” and that’s when you have to make a complete U-turn and try a totally different path so as to evolve. It’s just a wake-up call.

Sometimes pain hits you physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually to say “you’re heading in the wrong direction!”

Today, you’re a successful life coach and motivational speaker. When and how did this come into the picture and you shifted towards it?

I just love helping people! I always have done. Every single one of us has a story inside of us that we are meant to share with the world. It’s just about finding that message and then finding the audience to communicate it with. I knew I had to share my story of how I healed myself with the world. Everywhere I turned, I would help someone and then that someone turned into thousands of people and then those thousands of people turned into millions of people. I began by hosting a weekly room on an app a couple of years ago which was called Law Of Attraction Secrets. I would have sometimes 25,000 people come and listen to me speak. And that’s when I realised I truly am saving lives with the work that I do. I felt so alive when I was in alignment with my purpose. That weekly room turned into my Law Of Attraction podcast which is now hosted by Success Magazine.

Since it all began with social media if you had to advise the younger generation on the internet, what would that be?

Social media is an amazing place if you’re using it in the right way. Every time you post something, always ask yourself if this is meant to add value to someone’s life, is this going to help them to be a bit more like me, is this going to help them to better their lives? If the answer is yes, keep at it! If every one of us did one kind deed every day to help someone else we would light so many candles. Spreading hate is akin to blowing out one person’s candle. Then they will go and blow out somebody else’s candle. One negative act will end up destroying the entire world. So choose to light candles wherever you are.

Spreading hate is akin to blowing out one person’s candle. Then they will go and blow out somebody else’s candle.

What can readers expect from your bestselling book Be It Until You Become It?

It is such a powerful book for anybody at any stage of their personal development journey. It shows you how to unlock and harness the power of your mind through my MBS method. It helps you to become the version of yourself that you want to become before you get there. It’s about becoming a magnet for that which you want to attract into your life. It’s the exact method that I used to manifest my husband into my life. And I met him within three weeks of doing the method! We’ve had so many incredible testimonials from people who have had remarkable breakthroughs from reading the book and applying the methods.

You are also the creator of the renowned “MBS Method” which stands for Meditational Behavioral Synchronicity. Can you tell us more about it and how it transforms lives?

It’s a powerful form of meditation rooted in neuroscience and ancient wisdom. It enables you to access your higher mental faculties and release limiting beliefs that are blocking you from achieving your ultimate goals. It’s brilliant for people who find it hard to meditate because it is a combination of Pranayama breathing techniques and mind control. The MBS method is a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, anchoring and self-hypnosis. It has been called 3 years of therapy in 15 minutes!

The MBS method is a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, anchoring and self-hypnosis. It has been called 3 years of therapy in 15 minutes!

The world has recently started talking about manifestations, but how to implement these in your life?

The word manifesting is so new to the world, although it has been around since the beginning of time. That is why I want to bring it to the mainstream commercial world and make it as accessible as any other topic we learn in school. The first place to start with “manifesting” is to find a practice that resonates with you and helps you to move forwards faster towards your goal. Reading and studying the law of attraction is the fastest route to understanding what you are truly capable of. It becomes so addictive once you start to learn more and more about “manifesting”. I would recommend that my clients and students begin by reading my book and then do the MBS method every day. 

We have been focusing on Mental Health lately. How do you suggest maintaining positive mental health while dealing with a lot?

Maintaining a healthy state of mind is just about having a toolbox to help you navigate through life. Tough times will still occur but you will be able to overcome them faster when you understand how to. It is important to take time for yourself to walk in nature, meditate, to do physical activity like yoga or dancing. These activities elevate you and make you feel positive. It is important not to lie to yourself. It is critical not to spiral so far down that you feel you can’t get out. You have to recognise when you are starting to spiral downward and take a moment away from whatever it is that you are doing to regain clarity and direction.

It is important to take time for yourself to walk in nature, meditate, to do physical activity like yoga or dancing.

Spill some secrets about your upcoming projects; any upcoming TV shows?

I’m working on some phenomenal projects at the moment. Stay tuned and follow my updates on Instagram or TikTok to see what I have released next. This might help you go to the next level on your own journey if you read it. We host awesome masterminds in person and online a few times a year so DM me if you want to know more about these!

Lastly, one piece of advice for your fans and our lovely readers?

Your thoughts become your feelings. Your feelings influence your actions. And your actions become your habits. And your habits are you. If you want to change your reality and attract a different outcome, then you must first change the man in the mirror – YOU.

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