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These Intimate Art Pieces Will Have Your Heart, Make Sure To Check Out

intimate art

In art, as in love, instinct is enough! Welcome to the world talented fine art, go through these exquisite painting that represent romance!

Love, it’s the most celebrated theme in all artistic mediums. And the best part? The depiction of lovers portraying alluring insights. Some sweet, some sensual but all pleasing these paintings reflect how love has evolved over the centuries. We adore how even today great artists express the strength and enigma of desire, commitment, and love. For this month we thought of going down memory lane and remembering the most evocative painting about love & romance throughout history. Now remember there could be many perceptions of a single painting, we here bring what we the artist had in mind. Let’s straight dive in & have a look at the five most romantic artworks by brilliant artists about love! 

intimate art

Peter Paul Rubes loved to work in the Baroque tradition.

  • The Honeysuckle Bower by Peter Paul Rubens

Speaking of the Flemish artist who worked on this particular painting first. Peter Paul Rubes loved to work in the Baroque tradition. His painting mostly included mythical and historical symbolism with bold colors and subjects. To spill details about The Honeysuckle Bower, it was Rubens’s self-portrait with his wife, Isabella Brant. He worked on this one shortly after their marriage. The painting as you witness is a fascinating one that depicts both of them sitting on a honeysuckle branch. Since his work displayed symbolism, this one does too. As considered, Honeysuckle is a traditional symbol of love and the lightness of being. As you must have observed Ruben in the painting is pictured as a chivalrous gentleman, sitting slightly above his wife and protectively leaning over her. The honeysuckle that surrounds them suggests true love & devotion. It’s a sublime artwork currently on display at the Alte Pinakothek gallery in Munich.

The Kiss is one of the most renowned paintings by this artist.

  • The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

The artist with primary subjects such as the female body and frank eroticism, Gustav Klimt was an Austrian symbolist painter. This artist has given the world some of the most popular artwork today. That being said, The Kiss is one of the most renowned paintings by this artist. The piece represents the union of erotic and spiritual love and connection. The painting represents the apex of his “Golden Period. Moreover, it was the final painting of Klimt’s Gold Period. The two figures in the artwork depicted draped in densely patterned cloths evoke a moment of intense sensual pleasure, within a sharply stylized and flattened composition. It indeed is considered an awe-inspiring piece by the artist.

As you can see, the subjects are kissing one another through veils.

  • The Lovers II, 1928 by Rene Magritte

The artist with the most thought-provoking paintings that even left all aesthetes wondering about different perspectives, Rene Magritte created witty artwork that people applauded. One such painting by him that evokes thought is ‘The Lovers II’ As you can see, the subjects are kissing one another through veils. A fun perspective we gave this one is, that it depicts a modern-day blind date. While some suggest it can also be a representation of sexual frustration, as they can’t kiss because of the veil. Enough predicted, we believe the artist was trying to convey that no matter what people say or do on the outside, you try to tell them that you never know what they really think on the inside. In fact, the way both figures are positioned also looks suggestive. The lovers are adding more mystery to the entire painting. There could be endless meaning to this particular one with bold, unique, and rare colors and other aspects.

This painting portrays two women in bed in an intimate embrace.

  • In Bed The Kiss by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

The most influential painter of the post-impressionist period, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was known for producing elegant and often about the Parisian life of the late nineteenth century. His paintings were more towards the glamourous side that tells stories of gaiety, glitz, and good times. The one we have from the artist’s collection is the In Bed, The Kiss (1892). This painting portrays two women in bed in an intimate embrace. This was made during the time when Lebanism wasn’t accepted as a part of the society, kudos to Henri for great imagination. It was even largely admired for its ability to render a deep connection between the couple. It is believed to depict women working in a brothel, this is because brothels often lacked space to provide beds to all sex workers, forcing them to share their beds. Therefore, women workers would end up having intimate friendships and even romantic relationships. We also love how the painting has vibrant colors.

This painting is a kind of secular altarpiece, an inspiration to patience, humility, and love.

  • The Jewish Bride by Rembrandt

An artist who expressed human emotions beautifully on canvas was Rembrandt. A painting that the artist completed during his last years, was known as ‘The Jewish Bride.’ With many interpretations of this art, most historians believe them to be Isaac and his wife Rebecca from the Old Testament. This painting is a kind of secular altarpiece, an inspiration to patience, humility, and love. Even though both are showing signs of tenderness, the man’s hand is placed on the woman’s bosom, while she moves instinctively to protect her modesty, in keeping with the new aesthetics of Protestant Reformation Art. But there’s more if you witness the man’s left hand: see how gently it rests on the woman’s shoulder. What we could figure was that there is a light physical contact between the two, suggesting a deeply loving innocence.

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