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The Rebirth of Nazanin Mandi


Don’t mistake her kindness for weakness, she can guarantee blow your mind. Nazanin Mandi, a woman who wears different hats, from being an actor, musician, dancer, to motivating others through life coaching, has our heart. The conversation is witty and at the same time talks about topics that are the need of the hour. Read on to know all about this fearless woman! 

1. You are one multi-talented woman, from an actor, musician, dancer, and even a life coach the list of careers just goes on. Which amongst the ones is something you enjoy the most and look forward to in the future?

I enjoy Acting the most and look forward to finally launching my Life Coaching Platform “You Bloome” in early 2022. Acting is my Passion and life coaching is most definitely my purpose in life. I feel so fortunate to be able to pursue both and never take either for granted.

2. How did you get into being a life coach and how has it been like till now?

Motivating others to reach their full potential has always been a career path I wanted to take at some point. It fulfills me more than anything I’ve done and I knew to be taken seriously and credible in this field becoming certified was the right step for me. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made

Nazanin Mandi

Acting is my Passion and life coaching is most definitely my purpose in life.

3. What music genre are you drawn to and name some of your favorite artists?

I love an array of music genres from Pop, RnB, Jazz, Classical, and Alternative Rock, I grew up listening to it all. But my all-time favorite Artist is Prince, for me, it just doesn’t get any better than him. 

4. What kind of roles you’d love to play in the movies. Name some that you wish you were a part of?

I’d love to finally play a role most would not expect me to play. A role that truly challenges me as an Actor and pushes me to truly show my abilities. To be so enthralled with playing that character is what I deeply crave

I’d love to finally play a role most would not expect me to play. A role that truly challenges me as an Actor and pushes me to truly show my abilities.

5. Let me begin this one by saying, you’re gorgeous and so spill some deets about your skincare routine?

And let me start by saying thank you so very much you’re too kind! I try to keep my skincare routine pretty simple… My go-to Brands are Epilogic and Shiseido and I’m all about a good serum, moisturizer, and plenty of water throughout my day.

6. Your social media following is huge and it indeed is an influential platform, how do you use the platform to make a difference in terms of mental well-being?

When it comes to my Social Media platform I try to be as transparent as I allow myself. I’m heavy on privacy but when it comes to life lessons or things I’ve been through I become more open to sharing especially if it can help others in any way. 

When it comes to my Social Media platform I try to be as transparent as I allow myself.

7. Overcoming dysmorphic and depression was indeed a tough journey. What is something you learned and would guide others who are silently fighting the same?

When it comes to Dysmorphia and Depression I’ve learned that the process is ebb and flow. If we just so happen to fall back into old patterns don’t be so hard on ourselves, just keep going. Remember the lessons learned and personal evolution is constant … if we allow it to be.

8. Sum up how 2021 has been to you in a few lines?

2021 has been my most personal year yet, life-changing in fact, to say the least. It was the year I finally stood up for myself and put my needs first. It was a healing and eye-opening 365 days but I know this journey is just the beginning for me and I look forward to all the magic and blessings to come.

2021 has been my most personal year yet, life-changing in fact, to say the least.

9. What are some upcoming projects you are working on before the end of the year?

I just finished Filming a new Dramedy called “A La Carte”, wrapping up the development of my new Life Coaching Platform “You Bloome”, finalized my very first Book, and closed some Brand Deals. It’s been a very fruitful end of the year and I’m forever grateful!

10. Lastly, one piece of advice you’d like to give out to all our readers?

No matter what you go through, try not to let this world make you harsh or into someone you truly are not. Our authenticity is our power and our experiences transpire into our strengths. Stay solid, stay kind, stay true to character .. stay YOU xo.

Our authenticity is our power and our experiences transpire into our strengths. Stay solid, stay kind, stay true to character .. stay YOU

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