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Beholding The Resplendent Lush: Knowing Jarry Lee

  1. You have traveled all the way from being a journalist to a well-known celebrity. How much do you think your life has changed in that transition?

Its wild how different my life is now vs. 4 years ago. I’m most grateful for the increased freedom and independence I have, compared to before. Working for myself rather than for a company was probably the biggest change overall, and that has completely altered how I approach creative projects. Everything I work on is by my choice, so I’m able to dedicate the majority of my time to things only that I’m passionate about, and I feel very lucky and fulfilled about that. I’ve also become more optimistic and easy-going over time, as well as more spiritual. Something I practiced early on during my careers transition was manifestation exercises, so I’ve tried to become more mindful of the energy I put out into the universe.

  1. We saw that you recently attended New York Fashion Week 2021. How was your experience and what was the thing that you could’ve done better if you were organizing the event?

NYFW was very hectic as usual. I focused more on attending shows rather than walking this season, but still found it taxing to juggle both. Overall, I was happy to see the industry slowly return to a semblance of normal but I think more social distancing measures and public health precautions, in general, could have been taken. Some shows felt more disorganized than in the past, and vaccination card checks weren’t always thorough.


“Everything I work on is by my choice, so I’m able to dedicate the majority of my time to things only that I’m passionate about, and I feel very lucky and fulfilled about that.”

  1. You have worked with many skincare cosmetics brands like LOral and Maybelline, but what has been your secret skincare mantra?

Funnily enough, I hadn’t gotten into regularly drinking water (like a normal, sane person) until last year  and that has done wonders for my whole existence! The best things you can do for your skin are also the most basic: wearing sunscreen and getting adequate amounts of water, sleep, exercise, and a good diet. I don’t sleep very much but try to do the rest. I also love using products with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and collagen.

  1. What is it like to have such a huge audience that looks up to you? Do you feel scared sometimes?

I try not to think about it or I would get self-conscious all the time. My social media content is usually for me though, rather than for anyone else. So, while I sometimes will ask for my audiences input, I’m focused on just being true to myself. It’s best not to overthink it, in my opinion.

“The best things you can do for your skin are also the most basic: wearing sunscreen and getting adequate amounts of water, sleep, exercise, and a good diet. I don’t sleep very much but try to do the rest”

  1. Being a finalist of 2018 Miss New York USA, what tips would you give to all the aspiring models out there?

Embrace your quirks instead of trying to look (or act) like everyone else. There’s definitely pressure in the fashion and entertainment industry to fit into the mould of certain looks, but aspiring models don’t always realize how important it is to stand out. So don’t be afraid to highlight your unique flaws and personality. The same goes for social media  showcase your authentic self, not just your best self!

  1. As a musician, define your taste in music and which musician do you like the most?

My favorite genres to listen to are indie rock, indie pop, and folk. Some of my favorite musicians are The Strokes, The Black Keys, La Femme, Glass Animals, Spoon, Foals, Tame Impala, alt-J, Fleet Foxes, Bombay Bicycle Club, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The xx, Electric Guest, Interpol, Belle & Sebastian, Islands, and too many others to list. I also enjoy jazz and classical, and honestly most other genres too. I’m not a snob, haha!

“There’s definitely pressure in the fashion and entertainment industry to fit into the mould of certain looks, but aspiring models don’t always realize how important it is to stand out.”

  1. By far which one was your favorite project that you have worked upon?

This shoot for L’Officiel was definitely one of my favorites because I’ve been such a fan of the magazine for years, does that count?! I also really enjoyed working with Bobbi Brown on a shoot for her wellness brand a couple of years ago because she’s such an inspiration (and it was very cool seeing how masterfully she did my makeup).

  1. Tell us about your experience while working in Netflixs show Dating Around.

The casting process took over a month and involved a psychological evaluation at one point. I decided to participate to open a dialogue about the stigmas that still surround bisexuality in modern dating and culture, and I’m grateful for being given that opportunity. People still reach out to me online and on the street about it, so I guess Netflix content lives on forever!

“Some of my favorite musicians are The Strokes, The Black Keys, La Femme, Glass Animals, Spoon, Foals, Tame Impala, alt-J, Fleet Foxes, Bombay Bicycle Club, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The xx, Electric Guest, Interpol, Belle & Sebastian, Islands, and too many others to list.”

  1. We also came to know about your zest for cooking, what is your favorite dish while eating, and what do you think is your signature dish while cooking?

My absolute favorite thing to eat is oysters, and I also love anything with tropical fruits. Some of my signature dishes include kale and cheesy potato hash with baked eggs, strawberry-rhubarb pie, and a mean green smoothie (with spinach, pineapple, strawberries, and bananas).

  1. You have also learned Programming in different languages. What inspired you to opt for a whole together different field?

Both of my parents have PhDs in computer engineering so being code-savvy runs in the family. I made my first HTML website in the 2nd grade and always enjoyed technology and am still interested in AI. Maybe that’s what my career would have been in another life. Maybe it’ll be something I get more involved with later on in life. Who knows?

” Some of my signature dishes include kale and cheesy potato hash with baked eggs, strawberry-rhubarb pie, and a mean green smoothie (with spinach, pineapple, strawberries, and bananas).”

  1. Acing every field that you go for, what is the one piece of advice that you would like to give anyone who is looking for learning something new, but is scared?

Life is so unpredictable that theres really no such thing as true career stability or certainty. If fear of failure is holding you back, remember that it’s impossible to predict the extent of your success in the mere future. And as the saying goes, You really do miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. One field I am definitely not acing, by the way, is surfing I can’t surf to save my life!

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