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Giulia Ragazzini – Eco Angel Of Italy


Known as Eco Angel of Italy, after winning Miss Earth Italy pageant in 2020, Giulia Ragazzini is passionate about conserving the environment and ensuring ethical fashion.

Giulia Ragazzini is an international model, TV presenter, influencer and winner of the Miss Europe 2019 beauty pageant; held by Worlds Next Top Model. The multilingual star, hailing from Rome, truly embodies how Italians revere art and fashion. Known as Eco Angel of Italy, after winning Miss Earth Italy pageant in 2020, she is passionate about conserving the environment and ensuring ethical fashion. What brings her closer to achieving her dreams is the fact that she values being true and staying true to one’s own originality. Here we have a camaraderie interview with her, about her conservationist approach towards the environment, her dreams, aspirations, fitness mantras and tips to ace the glam game.

Q- You’re an Italian. Kindly tell us about your cultural background- your parental lineage, interests, hobbies and dreams? How do Italians see arts and glamour as a career choice?

I’m 100% Italian. I was born and brought up in Rome. From a young age, my dream was to become a famous actress. My biggest interests are watching thriller movies at home, eating ice cream and being in the company of my adorable dog. I think Italians have it in their blood, when it comes to creative fields like arts and fashion, so it was very easy for me and my family to help see my dreams come true.

Q- In an interview, you once said that an agent came to you and asked you to become a fashion model, but you weren’t interested in modelling back then and had a law degree. How did you start your journey in modelling? Are you enjoying it?

I started modelling when I was very young, but as I said, my dream was to become an actress. So I started it for fun but then had to leave it for a while to focus on my law degree. I didn’t want to be a lawyer, maybe because I was too young to be in such a field, and so I moved to London. It was during that time, when a very famous agent asked me to join his agency, as he spotted me walking down a street in London. I accepted it and then they chose me for a very important job as a model in London. After that, I was selected as one of the models for a prestigious pageant, named World’s Next Top Model on MTV, and this completely changed my life. The change came not only due to my fame and success, but most importantly because I became very self-confident, which is something new to me. I have never been this confident before! I know, this could look weird because of my job, but that’s the truth.

Giulia Ragazzini

I have never been this confident before! I know, this could look weird because of my job, but that’s the truth.

Q- Being Miss Earth Italy 2020, you are called the Eco Angel of Italy. How do you think Italy is contributing to waste and environmental degradation? What steps would you suggest to make Italy eco-friendly?

To me, it was a big responsibility to represent my country as an ‘Eco Angel of Italy’. There are many things I would love to completely change about this country. I am based in Rome, and one of the biggest problems that we face here is the smoke coming out of the cars. This is because we spend hours stuck in our cars due to heavy traffic, which in turn makes us breathe in this toxic air. I would love to change this, and turn all the old model cars into electric cars. Also, with advancement in technology, we don’t need to cut millions of trees to get paper. So, that needs to be changed too.

Q- What are the fashion brands and designers you have worked with? Of them, who are your favourites and why?

I worked for some of the best Italian and French brands. However, my favourite Italian brands are Gucci and Versace, and I also love Elisabetta Franchi.

I didn’t want to be a lawyer, maybe because I was too young to be in such a field, and so I moved to London.

Q- You have endorsed many products from beauty to apparel. How do you select a product you want to endorse?

My favourite products are 100 % animal-free, because I deeply respect the fauna. I can’t put something on my skin that hurts animals. Secondly, I love products that are natural with no oil or toxicity. My favourite products are the ones that come with aloe vera and the cream that best suits my skin is Dermalogica. To be honest, my beauty routine is very simple. I use a normal cleanser and then apply homemade masks, made with goodness of natural products like honey, milk and aloe.

Q- You have a gorgeous figure that you have flaunted on your social media. What kind of fitness regime do you follow?

I don’t follow a specific fitness regime, my best activity is to run and walk with my dogs, every day, in the bounties of nature. I also love to swim everywhere, be it a swimming pool, lake or sea! Wherever I see water, I feel the need to swim. I think I was a fish in my past life!! Also, I love horse riding and yoga.

Q- You speak almost 5-6 European languages. How did you learn them?

Definitely. I studied all these languages when I was just a child. My father sent me to a French school when I was very young. Every summer he sent me to some English college in Oxford for 3 months, and then I moved to Australia with him, for 6 months. When I was 18 years old I moved to Madrid, to study law at the university that required me to study in Spanish. However, I already knew this language, because I studied it in a boarding school. Last but not the least, I started to learn Arabic because I love the culture, and I spent 3 months in Beirut. Since my best friend is an Arab, so she teaches me everything about this language. That pretty much sums my multilingual knowledge.

Since my best friend is an Arab, so she teaches me everything about this language.

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