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Elizabeth Marshall – Beauty Redefined


When you talk about fitness and beauty, Elizabeth Marshall’s name tops the list for both. The American fitness professional as well as a travel and lifestyle enthusiast, who has been inspiring thousands with her fitness-related content on Instagram, exclusively takes us through an unpredictable yet fun ride of her love affair with aesthetics and beauty. Hear from her in the edited excerpts of the interview. 

How excited were you to feature on the Cover of L’Officiel India?

BEYOND EXCITED! I’ve been doing a lot of glamour and fitness shoots lately, so doing a fashion and beauty project was a ton of fun and a nice breath of fresh air.

From being academically inclined to getting into fitness and then competing in bodybuilding competitions, how would you like to describe your journey of making it big through modelling and the fashion industry?

Long and unpredictable. But the best ride of my life! I’ve been learning and teaching myself how to do various things that are related to art, photography and entrepreneurship since I was a teenager. Modelling and styling are still two of my favourite things to do, but my lifelong love affair with aesthetics and beauty has turned me into a great photographer, location scout and makeup artist too!


I’ve been doing a lot of glamour and fitness shoots lately, so doing a fashion and beauty project was a ton of fun and a nice breath of fresh air.

Share some tips and sneak peeks from your daily workout sessions.

My favorite nutrition tip to give people who are just starting out on a fitness journey is, cut sugar out of their diet. We’re fortunate to be living in an era where sugar isn’t the only way to sweeten food, so eliminating it isn’t as much of a sacrifice as it used to be. Glucose (sugar) is fine to consume right after a workout or if you’re using it to fluff and prep muscles before a photoshoot or a competition, but otherwise it should be something that you only consume in very limited quantities. And as far as workout tips, don’t forget to STRETCH both before and after workouts! It may seem like a small thing, but regular stretching is essential to long-term wellness, particularly if you lift weights a lot.

You are an inspiration to millions of girls who wish to embark on a fitness journey with no hold-back bar. What or who inspires you to stay true to your goals? Who are your fitness role models?  

I’ve always had a deep fondness for the saying, To thine own self be true. I stay in shape, get myself back in shape if I slip up from time to time (as we all do), and am constantly pushing my own limits because I’m always trying to see how much better I can get at just about everything in life. I know I’m capable of great and amazing things, even when the voice of doubt creeps in to try and deter me. My passion for finding out what those great and amazing things are is what keeps me constantly pushing forward.

I’ve always had a deep fondness for the saying, To thine own self be true.

This brings us to a relatable question; how are traditional expectations of women’s muscular strength challenged by participating in fitness competitions?

I think there’s a common misconception concerning what muscular actually means, at least as far as women are concerned. I’ve heard a lot of women tell me that the main reason why they don’t lift weights is because they don’t want to look like a man. I lift vigorously 4-6 days a week, and I don’t look masculine at all. It requires heavy outside supplementation for a woman to look manly from lifting weights. I’ve always admired women who don’t care what people think about the things that make them happy, so watching other females at the gym who are even more aggressive than I am is actually incredibly inspiring. Doing what makes you happy without worrying about the judgment of others is a level of freedom, peace and happiness that I don’t think many people ever achieve.

Describe to us a day in the life of Elizabeth Marshall.

A typical day for me almost always involves 20-30 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning when I wake up, followed by work of some sort on my brand, an upcoming photoshoot, or something related to work or content creation. I usually lift weights later in the day after I’ve eaten something and really woken up, and I try to be asleep by 11 pm every night because I’m a big morning person and I love to get up early.

Do you follow any particular diet plans?

I’ve tried just about everything that ever been invented and marketed at some point in my life, but right now I’m really into Keto. Before that, I generally alternated between doing intermittent fasting and eating like a bodybuilder, which involves weighing out food and eating six times a day. I have a cheat meal (or a refeed) about once every 7-10 days, depending on whether I’m prepping for something or not. All of these are good and effective methods for staying fit, and a lot of the effectiveness of each nutrition concept has to do with what your goals and your lifestyle are. The good news is, you have choices when it comes to feeling good, looking good and staying healthy!

Doing what makes you happy without worrying about the judgment of others is a level of freedom, peace and happiness that I don’t think many people ever achieve.

Being an established model, how would you guide the aspiring models to make it to their dreams of what you are doing?

The most important tip that I can give anyone is DON’T QUIT. Being a great artist takes practice, and it often takes dedication to build up multiple skill sets. Also, don’t ever compromise your sense of integrity. You don’t have to be someone that you’re not in order to make your dreams come true, and staying true to yourself is more important than any missed opportunity that you will ever come across.

One thing you wish you could change in the fashion industry?

I’d love to see more models that look like real women- curvier, more feminine and more classically beautiful. I really love pinups and I’ve never been into the androgyny trend.

Any fashion blunders so far and you totally regret it?

Most of my fashion blunders occurred in the 1980s and 1990s when I was a kid and everyone was making bad fashion choices, thank goodness. I’m lucky that I grew up before social media was around!

The best beauty advice you have ever received and want to share with us.

Be HAPPY. Happiness is a choice, and happy girls are the prettiest girls.

I’d love to see more models that look like real women- curvier, more feminine and more classically beautiful. I really love pinups and I’ve never been into the androgyny trend.

Photo shoots and modelling makes a big part of your day. How do you like to spend the few hours of me time that you earn after prolonged hours of hectic schedules? Share with us the activities that make you happy.

I really love to read and listen to audiobooks if Im taking long road trips. Im also a huge music fan, so listening to old and new favourites while I work, brainstorm or do location scouting is something that I love to do and that never gets old.

Have you set some rules for yourself for self-control and discipline?

I don’t ever go crazy with food for more than two days in a row, even if I’m on vacation. It’s good, normal and healthy to let yourself relax and to enjoy life, but it’s good to get into the habit of never completely letting your mind and your guard down when it comes to your overall health and wellness.

Tell us something about your future projects; even something on which you are currently working on.

I’m really excited about my upcoming film debut in ‘Sgt. Lionheart’, a military film that’s being written and directed by my friend Jason Ellis, who also did the photography for this amazing shoot!

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